We now have t-shirts for sale!!

woo hoo!

We have S, M, L and XL.

They are on American made shirts.  They are $12 ($10 plus $2 shipping)

if you want one, send $12 (checks to ryan woods) to

p o box 1218

bloomington, IN 47402


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tour starts in just 3 days starting to get ready to leave and our good buddy andy is already here in bloomington and coming with us!

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welcome to our new website.  we are very excited about this upcoming september/october tour and all of the show information can be found on our “upcoming shows” page. we also recently had our record (which we released ourselves on CD and tape last January) release on vinyl! if you would like to order one, you can do so by going to..


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    you can listen here to our first record..

    “Pink Houses”

    Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.


    write us!



    P O BOX 1218
    Bloomington, IN 47402


    November 2010

    Wednesday 10th BLOOMINGTON, IN @the bishop w/landlord and apache dropout

    Monday 15th LOUISVILLE, KY @skull alley w/diet cokeheads, evil grimace and more.


    you can order a copy of our full length self titled record ON CD by sending $6 ($5 plus $1 shipping) to

    pink houses P O Box 1218 Bloomington, IN 47402

    or you can order it on LP! if you would like to order one, you can do so by going to..


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